Learn more about Online Requests and how it could help your scheduling process.
Online Requests
This option allows your customer to only request a given day and time range for an appointment. They do not have the option to request a specific time or a specific groomer under this scheduling style. You will be required to confirm, deny, or change this appointment request. You can customize your time ranges or times customers can request. Please note that when utilizing online requests, the customer does not select a service, they simply request an appointment time. If you would like customers to be able to select a specific time for a service, you will want to explore online booking. We can always add a note to your scheduling page that asks them to leave which service they are looking for in the notes section of the request.
This is the default setting for your Online Scheduling. If you are currently on Online Booking and would like to switch your online scheduling to online request reach out to support@groomer.io and we can assist you with getting this setup.
Where to find Online Scheduling Settings
You can access all settings from within the App. More > Pages > Online Scheduling.
Customizable Functions:
-Enabled: (yes/no)
-Display Name: (company or facility name)
-Min Days Out: (must schedule more than X days in future)
-Max Days Out: (must schedule less than X days in future)
-Disclaimer: (will be displayed at the bottom of your booking page)
-Allows New Customers: (yes/no)
-Service Areas: (zip codes that your company services)
-Requestible Times: (times that customers will be able to request) **note that customers will be able to request an appointment at your set requestable times whether you have an appointment at that time available or not. You will have the option to confirm, decline, or reschedule these appointment requests**
This is what your Online Request page will look like without any custom branding:
Our customer support team can easily add the following features to your online request page:
-Your custom logo
-Your custom colors
-Custom notes/disclaimers
-Buttons that link to external websites
This is what your online request page can look like with customizations:
To add any of the features listed above please contact Support@Groomer.io.