How can I download a backup?

Easily download a backup of your appointments for the day!

If you are ever without service, you can easily download a backup of your appointments for the day. This export will include all of your appointments for the current day, along with the drop-off time, customer name, phone number, pet name, services, service prices, groomer, pet notes, appointment notes, and address. This should be everything you need to continue running smoothly even without a connection! (Please note, you can access this backup on the off chance that's server is down)

To download your backup:

- Navigate to More

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- Scroll down to "Backups"

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- Select "Export"

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- From here you can save the file or email/text it to employees who may need access as well 

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If you have any trouble, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at 🐾